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JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has become a popular data format due to its simplicity and ease of use, especially in web applications and RESTful APIs. As a result, many databases now offer robust support for storing and querying JSON data. Whether you’re working with a relational database like PostgreSQL or a NoSQL database like MongoDB, storing and retrieving JSON data can improve flexibility and reduce the complexity of mapping objects to database tables.

In this article, we will explore how to store and retrieve JSON data in various types of databases, including relational (SQL) and non-relational (NoSQL) systems.

Why Store JSON in Databases?

Storing JSON in databases has several advantages:

  • Flexibility: JSON allows for flexible, schema-less data storage, which is especially useful when working with dynamic data structures.
  • Simplicity: You can store complex, hierarchical data (such as nested objects) in a single field without the need for multiple related tables.
  • Compatibility with APIs: Since JSON is the most common format for data exchange in web services, storing data in JSON format makes it easier to work with APIs and clients.
  • Ease of Updates: In some cases, it’s easier to update a single JSON document than to modify rows across several related tables.

Storing JSON in Relational Databases

While relational databases traditionally store structured, tabular data, many now offer native support for JSON data types. This allows you to store entire JSON objects within a column and query the data using SQL.

1. PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is one of the most robust relational databases for working with JSON data. It offers two JSON data types:

  • `json`: Stores the JSON as text without performing validation or ensuring compliance with JSON standards.
  • `jsonb`: Stores JSON in a binary format that is more efficient for indexing and querying.

Storing JSON in PostgreSQL

To store JSON data in PostgreSQL, you simply create a column with the json or jsonb data type.

            CREATE TABLE products (
                id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
                name VARCHAR(100),
                details JSONB

You can then insert a JSON object into the details column:

            INSERT INTO products (name, details)
            VALUES ('Smartphone', '{"brand": "XYZ", "model": "ABC", "price": 699}');

Retrieving and Querying JSON in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL allows you to query JSON data using special operators and functions.

            SELECT * FROM products
            WHERE details->>'brand' = 'XYZ';

This query extracts the brand key from the details JSON object and returns all matching records.

Updating JSON Data in PostgreSQL

You can update specific keys within a JSON object using the jsonb_set function:

            UPDATE products
            SET details = jsonb_set(details, '{price}', '799', false)
            WHERE name = 'Smartphone';

In this example, the price value in the details JSON object is updated.

2. MySQL

MySQL introduced native JSON support in version 5.7. JSON data is stored in a column of type JSON, and it offers a variety of functions for working with JSON documents.

Storing JSON in MySQL

Create a table with a JSON column to store JSON data:

            CREATE TABLE orders (
                customer_name VARCHAR(100),
                order_details JSON

You can insert JSON data as follows:

            INSERT INTO orders (customer_name, order_details)
            VALUES ('Alice', '{"product": "Laptop", "quantity": 1, "price": 1200}');

Retrieving and Querying JSON in MySQL

To retrieve specific data from a JSON column, MySQL provides a set of JSON functions like JSON_EXTRACT.

            SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(order_details, '$.price') AS price
            FROM orders
            WHERE customer_name = 'Alice';

In this query, JSON_EXTRACT is used to retrieve the price value from the order_details JSON object.

Updating JSON Data in MySQL

You can update specific parts of a JSON object using the JSON_SET function:

            UPDATE orders
            SET order_details = JSON_SET(order_details, '$.quantity', 2)
            WHERE customer_name = 'Alice';

3. SQL Server

SQL Server also supports JSON data, though it doesn’t have a dedicated JSON data type. Instead, JSON is stored as plain text in NVARCHAR columns, but SQL Server provides functions to parse and manipulate the JSON data.

Storing JSON in SQL Server

You can store JSON in a column of type NVARCHAR:

            CREATE TABLE employees (
                id INT PRIMARY KEY,
                name NVARCHAR(100),
                employee_info NVARCHAR(MAX)

Insert JSON data as a string:

            INSERT INTO employees (id, name, employee_info)
            VALUES (1, 'John', '{"position": "Manager", "department": "Sales", "salary": 75000}');

Retrieving and Querying JSON in SQL Server

SQL Server provides functions like JSON_VALUE to retrieve values from JSON documents.

            SELECT JSON_VALUE(employee_info, '$.position') AS position
            FROM employees
            WHERE name = 'John';

Updating JSON Data in SQL Server

You can update JSON data by manipulating the text stored in the NVARCHAR column using string functions or by rewriting the entire JSON document.

Storing JSON in NoSQL Databases

NoSQL databases like MongoDB are designed to store semi-structured data and work natively with JSON or similar formats (such as BSON in MongoDB). These databases are often preferred for applications that need flexible schema design or deal with complex, hierarchical data.

1. MongoDB

MongoDB stores data in BSON (Binary JSON), which allows it to efficiently store and query JSON-like documents. BSON supports rich data types, including nested documents and arrays, making it ideal for storing complex JSON data.

Storing JSON in MongoDB

In MongoDB, data is stored as documents inside collections. You can insert JSON documents directly into a collection.

                name: "Alice",
                age: 25,
                preferences: {
                    theme: "dark",
                    notifications: true

Retrieving and Querying JSON in MongoDB

MongoDB provides a flexible query language to retrieve data from JSON documents.

db.users.find({ "preferences.theme": "dark" });

Updating JSON in MongoDB

To update fields within a JSON document, MongoDB offers the $set operator:

                { name: "Alice" },
                { $set: { "preferences.theme": "light" } }

2. Couchbase

Couchbase is another NoSQL database that natively supports JSON documents. It offers powerful indexing and querying capabilities for JSON data, making it ideal for real-time web applications.

Best Practices for Storing JSON in Databases

  • Use JSON When Appropriate: JSON is ideal for semi-structured data and use cases where the data structure may change over time. For highly structured data, traditional relational models might be more efficient.
  • Index JSON Fields: Indexing JSON fields can significantly improve query performance, especially for large datasets.
  • Validate JSON: Before storing JSON data, ensure it is valid to prevent errors and inconsistencies. Many databases provide built-in functions to validate JSON.
  • Optimize for Readability and Performance: In databases like PostgreSQL, the jsonb type is often better for performance, while json is more suited for human-readable data storage.


JSON is a versatile format that can be stored and queried effectively in both relational and NoSQL databases. While relational databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL offer robust support for JSON with specific data types and functions, NoSQL databases like MongoDB provide even more flexibility with native document storage.

When deciding how to store and retrieve JSON data, consider the nature of your application, the complexity of the data, and the performance needs. By following best practices and understanding how each database handles JSON, you can create efficient and scalable systems that harness the power of this ubiquitous data format.